Rolling Blackouts C.F.

May 20, 2022


Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever en Festival Tomavistas 2022

Rolling Blackouts C.F. Concert Tomavistas

Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever won our hearts since the very first moment they released their first EP in 2016. Their gig at Tomavistas will be the starting point of a huge tour that will bring them to present their new music across Europe. We will enjoy the official presentation of their second album in Madrid and we have no doubt that theirs will be one of the best concerts of the next edition of the festival.

Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever are Fran Keany, Tom and Joe Russo, Joe White, Marcel Tussie, they are from Melbourne and we are in love with them since they took out their first album titled “Talk Tight” in 2016. What about the wonderful The French Press of 2017 with that homonymous hit that blows your head? And the confirmation that was Hope Downs? An album chosen by specialized media as one of the best of 2018. It is quite difficult to classify their sound except for some nuances that can draw lines to connect their effect and their music with passages from their fellow countrymen The Go-Betweens or rhythmic connections with The Feelies. That is a kind of indie rock, country punk or as they describe themselves Tough Pop or Soft Punk that drinks from classics but with a very strong connection with the current times in which everything previous is taken to a point of updating that is quite shocking. Something similar to what may be happening with Fontaines D.C.

In June 2020 they released their second album, Sideways to New Italy and with it they were back again in the charts of the best albums of the year: Rough Trade chose it as one of the best 10 albums of 2020. They have reached all the expectations overcoming some of the features of their previous works and recording some of their best songs of their career such as the wonderful “Cars In Space”.

They will also be at Festival Tomavistas 2022



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