Full lineup


24, 25 May, 2024


Phoenix Tomavistas

Phoenix Concert Tomavistas

Phoenix are back in Madrid after six years. What’s more, they have only played in Madrid three times in their more than 25-year career and now the fourth time will be in Tomavistas presenting their great colorful catalogue of timeless and brilliant hits and as well as their latest album, “Alpha Zulu” (2022). All of this will happen with a spectacular live production that has already become one of the most exciting shows that can be seen nowadays.

We sometimes forget to take Phoenix’s contribution to pop music in the last two decades to the point of transcendence that belongs to them. Their brilliant path has been built slowly but surely. Let’s say that when Thomas Mars, Deck d’Arcy, Laurent Brancowitz, Christian Mazzalai and Thomas Hedlund formed the project in Versailles, their idea of designing immortal pop architecture became a tool for personal development, but at the same time and as a natural response , a worldwide passion for their music. In addition, they created one of the pillars of the base of a new French scene in which they were twinned for different personal and musical reasons with two other universal icons such as Daft Punk and Air and which has served to pave the way for other bands from their country that came later.

In their back catalogue we can find: “United” (2000), “Alphabetical” (2004), “It’s Never Been Like That” (2006), “Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix” (2009), “Bankrupt!” (2013), “Ti Amo” (2017) and finally, for now, “Alpha Zulu” (2022). They planned to publish the latter in 2020 and due to the unfortunate pandemic, the first recording sessions were cut short, which almost ended the project. Finally, it had the opposite effect and when they were able to meet again they made the most of their time after being forcibly separated for so long. In just 10 days they wrote the entire album.

Their special musical style, a mix of indie-pop, new wave, and synthpop, exploded in 2009 with the brilliant “Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix”, which made them to win a Grammy for Best Alternative Music Album and which contained two of the most popular songs of their career: “1901” and “Lisztomania”. From there, everything was success after success both in Europe and globally, with special emphasis on America.

At the Tomavistas Family home, Phoenix is one of the bands that has accompanied many of the adventures lived up to this moment. A kind of climax that will make their concert one of the most desired and, shortly, enjoyed in our entire intense and passionate history.