Carolina Durante

May 20, 2022


Carolina Durante Concert Tomavistas

Carolina Durante will release a new album in 2021 and Tomavistas will be the place where they will officially present it in Madrid, how could it be otherwise, and we truly believe, that their appearance at the festival will once again be another historical moment for all of us. We will feel again that craziness we felt in their concert in 2019 where the video for their single KLK was recorded. A historic concert for us.

When they made their debut in 2017 nobody thought they would become a standard bearer of a generation and a benchmark of Madrid’s music scene of all times (yes, of all times) in only three years. In short, a group with an overwhelming live performance as well as an undeniable gift for composition.

They have released singles that now have become true classics (it is really curious to say this from such a young band) such as “La Noche de los Muertos Vivientes”, “Cayetano”, “Niña de Hielo”, “El Himno Titular”, and “Perdona (Ahora Sí que Sí)” with permission from Marcelo Criminal. Then came their self-titled debut album in 2019 with glorious songs like “Joder, No Sé”, “KLK” o “Las Canciones de Juanita”. In support of the album they toured all across Spain during 2019 (yes, the last year of the old normal). It was in that year when they played one of the most memorable concerts in Tomavistas’ history. Now it seems that all of this was centuries ago.

In 2020 they released their EP “Del Horno a la Boca” with three more tracks: one of them featuring J from Los Planetas and in which the song “El Parque de las Balas” stood out. By the end of that year, and after another brilliant gig at Tomavistas Extra, they released an excellent collaboration with Él Mató a Un Policía Motorizado entitled “Espacio Vacío”.

It seems obvious to point out this process, but now that in 2021 they are going to release their second album, a small thought comes to mind: and now what else can they do?

They will also be at Festival Tomavistas 2022



Jägermeister patrocinador Festival Tomavistas


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